[Chi-in-a-box] Post-Deploy Error

Taimoor Ul Islam tislam at iastate.edu
Fri Jun 4 17:13:49 CDT 2021

We are deploying bare-metal chi-in-a-box on our internal deployment. I got
an error regarding the public network while running the post-deploy
(mentioned in quick start guide). I do have mentioned my "public" network
along with the external interface (as mentioned on step 5 of the site
specific configuration).

[image: image.png]

My CHI setup is working and I can login to the dashboard. All steps have
been successful till the deploy step. However, I am stuck at the
post-deploy step and could not figure out what's missing. I need guidance
on resolving the issue (if it is a known one) or a pointer to relevant
configuration checks if I am missing something. Thank you!

Best regards,
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